Players in: Spring 2025 Season 

Note that only players who have been added to current nomination lists are included in the list below.

    Matches Played
Abergavenny ALiam Eason1Premier 1516
Abergavenny ATej Saran Singh2Premier 1718
Abergavenny AChris Hill3Premier 1707
Abergavenny ASteve Williams4Premier 1516
Abergavenny AEllis Lawrence5Premier 1606
Abergavenny BJohn Procter1Premier 2617
Abergavenny BNico Dowsell2Premier 2516
Abergavenny BMike Logan3Premier 2617
Abergavenny BGareth Richards4Premier 2101
Abergavenny BCarl Whiteman5Premier 2101
Abergavenny CPhillip John Pook1East Central 2000
Abergavenny CPaul Murphy2East Central 2000
Abergavenny CMitchell Lawrence3East Central 2617
Abergavenny CDaniel Weare4East Central 2505
Abergavenny CRob Phillips5East Central 2303
Abergavenny CChristopher Owen6East Central 2617
Abergavenny CDave Myatt7East Central 2101
Abergavenny CGary Hortop8East Central 2516
Abergavenny CMatthew Thompson9East Central 2718
Abergavenny CJiwan Gahunia10East Central 2011
Abergavenny CJason Hall11East Central 2202
Abergavenny CColin Spaven12East Central 2505
Abergavenny CCallum Gibbs13East Central 2303
Abergavenny CFleur Becket14East Central 2112
Abergavenny CEllen James15East Central 2011
Bangor University 1Rowan Northcott1Eryri 2404
Bangor University 1Paris Kilgannon-Cooke2Eryri 2404
Bangor University 1Jamie Wallace3Eryri 2404
Bangor University 1Harry Spain4Eryri 2404
Bangor University 1Ollie Edmunds5Eryri 2404
Bangor University 1Varun Kapoor6Eryri 2000
Beaufort Park 1Wes Billings1NE Wales 1617
Beaufort Park 1Alan Coppack2NE Wales 1606
Beaufort Park 1Ian Hollis3NE Wales 1617
Beaufort Park 1Steve Bell4NE Wales 1617
Beaufort Park 1Ian Devenport5NE Wales 1415
Beaufort Park 2Matthew Owen1NE Wales 1415
Beaufort Park 2Dan Percy2NE Wales 1617
Beaufort Park 2Lindsey Silvester [g]3NE Wales 1415
Beaufort Park 2Dave Jones4NE Wales 1404
Beaufort Park 2Joe Perez5NE Wales 1000
Beaufort Park 2Wayne Lawrence6NE Wales 1617
Beaufort Park 2Alun Lucy7NE Wales 1000
Beaufort Park 2Kris Kupalis8NE Wales 1000
Beaufort Park 2David McKinlay9NE Wales 1303
Beaufort Park 2Kevin Williams10NE Wales 1112
Beaufort Park 2Martin Burgess11NE Wales 1404
Bridgend ADavid Howe1South Central 1505
Bridgend ANia Seren Thomas2South Central 1415
Bridgend ARobert Howe3South Central 1718
Bridgend AStuart Bevan3South Central 1303
Bridgend ARobert Howe4South Central 1718
Bridgend ADaniel McKelvie4South Central 1718
Bridgend ADafydd Watkins5South Central 1707
Bridgend AStuart Bevan6South Central 1303
Bridgend ADaniel McKelvie6South Central 1718
Bridgend BChris Hampton1South Central 38210
Bridgend BPhillip John Pook2South Central 3404
Bridgend BRichard Barrett3South Central 3325
Bridgend BCharlie Passman4South Central 3437
Bridgend BPaul Miles5South Central 3516
Bridgend BBen Andrianiko5South Central 3718
Bridgend BPaul Miles6South Central 3516
Bridgend BBen Andrianiko6South Central 3718
Bridgend CNeale Jones1South Central 5415
Bridgend CEliza Hales2South Central 58210
Bridgend CGraham Bastian3South Central 5516
Bridgend CCrispen Seabrook4South Central 5415
Bridgend CChris Chappell5South Central 5404
Bridgend CJames Ridd6South Central 5606
Bridgend DHarry Dyer1South Central 6819
Bridgend DChris Beale1South Central 6617
Bridgend DHarry Dyer2South Central 6819
Bridgend DChris Beale2South Central 6617
Bridgend DJonathan Ling3South Central 6000
Bridgend DRichard Warren4South Central 6303
Bridgend DGareth Jones5South Central 6718
Bridgend DNathan Boardman6South Central 6325
Bridgend DGerwyn Davies7South Central 6000
Bridgend DHeidi Hales8South Central 6404
Bridgend DStephen Davies9South Central 6325
Bridgend DWarwick Arnold10South Central 6303
Bridgend DDaniel White11South Central 6314
Bridgend DMichael Walsh12South Central 6000
Buckley ElfedAlistair Holl1NE Wales 1123
Buckley ElfedRichard Poppewell2NE Wales 1202
Buckley ElfedTony Puplett3NE Wales 1000
Buckley ElfedNathan Delves4NE Wales 1101
Buckley ElfedBryan Hiller5NE Wales 1000
Buckley ElfedLee Griffith6NE Wales 1202
Buckley ElfedChris Brown7NE Wales 1527
Buckley ElfedGraeme Jones8NE Wales 1527
Buckley ElfedPaul Davies9NE Wales 1527
Buckley ElfedJanet Coleman10NE Wales 1527
Caernarfon 1Sion C Jones1Eryri 1101
Caernarfon 1Owain Roberts2Eryri 1617
Caernarfon 1Rhodri Jones3Eryri 1617
Caernarfon 1Tomos Gashe4Eryri 1516
Caernarfon 1Aled Lloyd Jones5Eryri 1516
Caernarfon 2Iwan Barker-Jones1Eryri 1617
Caernarfon 2Neal Morris2Eryri 1000
Caernarfon 2Gwion Jones3Eryri 1516
Caernarfon 2Meilir Huws4Eryri 1617
Caernarfon 2Iwan Hughes5Eryri 1404
Caernarfon 3Dafydd Dafis1Eryri 2000
Caernarfon 3Sion Ll Jones2Eryri 2617
Caernarfon 3Dan Doughty3Eryri 29110
Caernarfon 3Osian Larsen4Eryri 2303
Caernarfon 3Steve Morris5Eryri 2718
Caernarfon 3Trystan Larsen6Eryri 2404
Caernarfon 3Arwel Jones7Eryri 2404
Caernarfon 3Jonathon Wakefield8Eryri 2202
Caernarfon 3Iwan Griffith9Eryri 2101
Caldicot ALouis Randle1East Central 1415
Caldicot AIan Hallett2East Central 1202
Caldicot APeter Davies3East Central 1314
Caldicot APaul Brennan4East Central 1516
Caldicot ARick Goode5East Central 1415
Caldicot AMark Randle6East Central 1314
Caldicot BJohn Turner1East Central 1404
Caldicot BIvan Weaver2East Central 1415
Caldicot BColston Bryant3East Central 1617
Caldicot BJames Walby4East Central 1707
Caldicot BBarrie Davies5East Central 1808
Caldicot BGraham Till6East Central 1202
Caldicot BSean Connoly7East Central 1000
Caldicot BStephen Smith8East Central 1011
Caldicot BSimon Bond9East Central 1213
Caldicot BBogdan Brezuleanu10East Central 1112
Cardiff ANic Birt1Premier 1516
Cardiff AArchie Turnbull1Premier 1718
Cardiff ANic Birt2Premier 1516
Cardiff AArchie Turnbull2Premier 1718
Cardiff ADale Bradley3Premier 1718
Cardiff ATom Howells4Premier 1617
Cardiff ARichard Tailby5Premier 1718
Cardiff BEvan Hodge1Premier 2718
Cardiff BAngus White2Premier 2516
Cardiff BBen Pinfold2Premier 2819
Cardiff BHarris Faizi3Premier 2415
Cardiff BBen Pinfold4Premier 2819
Cardiff BAngus White4Premier 2516
Cardiff BPhil Cording5Premier 2617
Cardiff CJoseph Buck1South Central 2617
Cardiff CGareth Ludkin2South Central 2819
Cardiff CRichard Smith3South Central 2729
Cardiff CSteffan Radsma4South Central 2606
Cardiff CAlex Wilkins4South Central 2729
Cardiff CSteffan Radsma5South Central 2606
Cardiff CJames Turnbull6South Central 2101
Cardiff CSteve Everest7South Central 2224
Cardiff CPaul Murphy8South Central 2628
Cardiff DSpike Marlow1South Central 3404
Cardiff DJac Cottrell1South Central 3707
Cardiff DSpike Marlow2South Central 3404
Cardiff DDaniel Frood3South Central 3303
Cardiff DTom Lynn4South Central 3202
Cardiff DBadt Gwom5South Central 3505
Cardiff DTom Murray6South Central 3505
Cardiff DDan Bradford7South Central 3606
Cardiff DTim Arnold8South Central 3303
Cardiff ERhian Davies1South Central 5606
Cardiff EJonathan Callaghan2South Central 5404
Cardiff EPaul Drury3South Central 5729
Cardiff EPeter Draper4South Central 5606
Cardiff ESam Hewat5South Central 5404
Cardiff EGethin James6South Central 5202
Cardiff FDeclan Ollif1South Central 6426
Cardiff FOwen Thomas2South Central 6000
Cardiff FMichael Young3South Central 6000
Cardiff FAlex Smith4South Central 6448
Cardiff FGwyn Stephens5South Central 6336
Cardiff FRobb Holt6South Central 6303
Cardiff FOwen Bater7South Central 6314
Cardiff FHenry Vaile8South Central 6527
Cardiff FAdam Adamou9South Central 6314
Cardiff FAdrian Mander10South Central 6000
Cardiff FSam Evans10South Central 6426
Cardiff FBobby Harrop11South Central 6224
Cardiff FSam Evans12South Central 6426
Cardiff FJamie Diserens12South Central 6213
Cardiff FAdrian Mander13South Central 6000
Cardiff FLaura James14South Central 6101
Cardiff FFiona Williams15South Central 6101
Cardiff FHenry Dernie16South Central 6000
Cardiff FDafydd Paxton17South Central 6101
Cardiff Medics ABertie Hillier1South Central 5426
Cardiff Medics AOliver Robson2South Central 5426
Cardiff Medics ADylan Gittins3South Central 5415
Cardiff Medics AJoe Lillington4South Central 5101
Cardiff Medics AAditya Singh5South Central 5303
Cardiff Medics BZachary Banks1South Central 8729
Cardiff Medics BLouis Clayton2South Central 8628
Cardiff Medics BIsaac Wright3South Central 8617
Cardiff Medics BFarhan Ayub4South Central 8303
Cardiff Medics BDaniel Moody5South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BMateusz Kuczynski6South Central 8606
Cardiff Medics BAlistair Atkins7South Central 8202
Cardiff Medics BRahul Chawathe8South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BSiddh Sharma9South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BToby Levy10South Central 8202
Cardiff Medics BBay Hill11South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BAlfie Elliot12South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BKeerthi Suresh Babu13South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BYan Tung Kristy Li14South Central 8101
Cardiff Medics BAnest Edwards15South Central 8101
Cardiff Medics BLauren Dollimore16South Central 8101
Cardiff Medics BChristina Sam17South Central 8202
Cardiff Medics BCiara Edwards18South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BAbhijeet Ahsok Kumar19South Central 8101
Cardiff Medics BHana Khan20South Central 8000
Cardiff Medics BAlexia Owusu21South Central 8000
Cardiff University AJames Horler1South Central 1505
Cardiff University AJoshua Audsley2South Central 1404
Cardiff University AGianluca Bianchi3South Central 1404
Cardiff University AYuji Westmacott3South Central 1707
Cardiff University AGianluca Bianchi4South Central 1404
Cardiff University AMegan Evans5South Central 1606
Cardiff University ARueben Mather6South Central 1505
Cardiff University BBurnham Shafiq Khan1South Central 4112
Cardiff University BRitvik Bharamgoudar2South Central 47310
Cardiff University BSam Baughen3South Central 4437
Cardiff University BLuke Webb4South Central 4224
Cardiff University BChristiaan Starke5South Central 4415
Cardiff University BJack Williams5South Central 4336
Cardiff University BChristiaan Starke6South Central 4415
Cardiff University BJack Williams6South Central 4336
Cardiff University BAdam Abdelrsoul7South Central 4101
Cardiff University BKavi Morjaria8South Central 4314
Cardiff University CHamza Miznazi1South Central 7314
Cardiff University CAmnan Sevany2South Central 7527
Cardiff University CEva Ford3South Central 7303
Cardiff University CVir Kapur4South Central 7404
Cardiff University CLloyd Dunn5South Central 7505
Cardiff University CToby Pople6South Central 7213
Cardiff University CAmmar Sheikh7South Central 7000
Cardiff University CWilliam Berrill8South Central 7112
Cardiff University DJoshua Grey1South Central 8314
Cardiff University DMorgan McGuigan2South Central 8101
Cardiff University DMayan Gupta3South Central 8404
Cardiff University DTara Radia4South Central 8314
Cardiff University DSophie Fisher5South Central 8404
Cardiff University DFred Oliver6South Central 8022
Cardiff University DConor Lawlor7South Central 8325
Cardiff University DChloe Pettit8South Central 8213
Cardiff University DEvie Thursfield9South Central 8011
Cardiff University DSeth Batson10South Central 8101
Cardiff University DMatthew Cockwell11South Central 8101
Cardiff University DBecky Norris12South Central 8000
Cardiff University DTilly Thompson13South Central 8213
Cardiff University DAnabel Foster14South Central 8415
Cardigan AAlfie Wheeler1Pembrokeshire 1011
Cardigan AKevin Matthews2Pembrokeshire 1516
Cardigan AKevin Griffiths3Pembrokeshire 1628
Cardigan ADuncan Cobb4Pembrokeshire 1505
Cardigan ACalum Pearson5Pembrokeshire 1426
Cardigan ADan Conway6Pembrokeshire 1325
Cardigan BLee Roberts1Pembrokeshire 2527
Cardigan BHanuman Hook2Pembrokeshire 2325
Cardigan BJoshua Armstrong3Pembrokeshire 2314
Cardigan BNathan Jeynes4Pembrokeshire 2415
Cardigan BAlex Wilcox Brooke5Pembrokeshire 2202
Cardigan BRob Wheeler6Pembrokeshire 2426
Cardigan BRupert Pope7Pembrokeshire 2527
Cardigan BAnna Nichol8Pembrokeshire 2325
Cardigan BLinda Penny9Pembrokeshire 2101
Carmarthen AMatthew Tait1West Central 2314
Carmarthen AGareth RJ Thomas2West Central 2224
Carmarthen AAndy Gribble3West Central 2303
Carmarthen ADai Lewis4West Central 2325
Carmarthen AAnthony Burgis5West Central 2202
Carmarthen BAdam Edwards1West Central 3527
Carmarthen BCeredig Emanuel2West Central 3314
Carmarthen BDave Smith3West Central 3415
Carmarthen BMartyn Paterson4West Central 3101
Carmarthen BTony Randell5West Central 3516
Carmarthen BRhydian Evans6West Central 3000
Carmarthen BJulian Stanton7West Central 3101
Carmarthen BStefano Leonardi8West Central 3000
Carmarthen BChris Barker9West Central 3101
Carmarthen BPerry Davies10West Central 3303
Carmarthen BKeith Madge11West Central 3404
Carmarthen BSimon Beynon12West Central 3000
Cowbridge AJoel Preece1Premier 2617
Cowbridge AStacey Gooding2Premier 2617
Cowbridge ADallas Hayvice3Premier 2617
Cowbridge ADavid Robertson4Premier 2617
Cowbridge ALiam Corrigan5Premier 2415
Cowbridge BChris Davies1South Central 29110
Cowbridge BJames Brooke1South Central 2527
Cowbridge BChris Davies2South Central 29110
Cowbridge BJames Brooke2South Central 2527
Cowbridge BAlex Jenkins3South Central 28210
Cowbridge BSimon Payne4South Central 2729
Cowbridge BDan Patterson5South Central 2303
Cowbridge BTim Elvidge5South Central 2426
Cowbridge BDan Patterson6South Central 2303
Cowbridge CJames Roberts1South Central 2819
Cowbridge CColum Sullivan2South Central 2606
Cowbridge CSean Bridgman2South Central 2617
Cowbridge CTim Nicholls3South Central 2639
Cowbridge CSean Bridgman3South Central 2617
Cowbridge CColum Sullivan4South Central 2606
Cowbridge CTim Nicholls4South Central 2639
Cowbridge CAlex Meredith5South Central 2527
Cowbridge DRay Thomas1South Central 5213
Cowbridge DTony Kocker2South Central 5404
Cowbridge DNiall Sloan3South Central 5415
Cowbridge DAnna Adams4South Central 5527
Cowbridge DDavid Matthews5South Central 5819
Cowbridge DLuke Bates6South Central 5202
Cowbridge DMike Bleay7South Central 5639
Cowbridge DErica Howcroft8South Central 5303
Cowbridge DSteve Melhuish9South Central 5000
Cowbridge DGiancarlo Bianchi10South Central 5213
Cowbridge DSimon Yates11South Central 5000
Cowbridge DSteven Williams12South Central 5707
Cowbridge DRhydian Jones13South Central 5202
Cowbridge DAdam Howcroft14South Central 5000
Cowbridge DLloyd Bishop15South Central 5000
Cowbridge DDaphne Chang16South Central 5000
David Lloyd Cardiff AEvan Davies-Clarke1Premier 1707
David Lloyd Cardiff ARoss Cassley2Premier 1516
David Lloyd Cardiff AMatthew Clements3Premier 1617
David Lloyd Cardiff AArchie Davies-Clarke4Premier 1707
David Lloyd Cardiff AAdam Evans5Premier 1415
David Lloyd Cardiff BTerry Turner1South Central 2516
David Lloyd Cardiff BDavid James2South Central 2718
David Lloyd Cardiff BMatt Woart3South Central 2516
David Lloyd Cardiff BPaul Clements4South Central 2303
David Lloyd Cardiff BDafydd Pierce-Evans4South Central 2213
David Lloyd Cardiff BMatthew Wheeler5South Central 2404
David Lloyd Cardiff BDafydd Pierce-Evans5South Central 2213
David Lloyd Cardiff CMatthew Wheeler1South Central 4404
David Lloyd Cardiff CHugh Livingstone1South Central 4617
David Lloyd Cardiff CPaul Clements2South Central 4303
David Lloyd Cardiff CHugh Livingstone2South Central 4617
David Lloyd Cardiff CStephen Potter3South Central 4011
David Lloyd Cardiff CJulian Budd4South Central 410212
David Lloyd Cardiff CPaul Anstead5South Central 4112
David Lloyd Cardiff DMustafa Davies1South Central 7808
David Lloyd Cardiff DRob Cronick2South Central 7718
David Lloyd Cardiff DPaul Jeremy3South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DVivian Bryan4South Central 7000
David Lloyd Cardiff DJamie Stacey5South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DCalum Jones6South Central 7505
David Lloyd Cardiff DDaniel Evans7South Central 7527
David Lloyd Cardiff DDan Walters8South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DRajeev Aggarwal9South Central 77411
David Lloyd Cardiff DKwesi Hazell10South Central 7303
David Lloyd Cardiff DSian Johnson11South Central 7213
David Lloyd Cardiff DMike Davies-Clarke12South Central 7606
David Lloyd Cardiff DZoe Pasqualina Powell13South Central 7303
David Lloyd Cardiff DKath James14South Central 7000
David Lloyd Cardiff DCarmen Lynne McKenna15South Central 7202
David Lloyd Cardiff DDave Williams16South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DShevaun McKenna17South Central 7202
David Lloyd Cardiff DHannah Howells18South Central 7202
David Lloyd Cardiff DSam Pearce19South Central 7303
David Lloyd Cardiff DSharon Whyte20South Central 7000
David Lloyd Cardiff DRichard Taylor21South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DBecky Johnson22South Central 7101
David Lloyd Cardiff DNia Emanuel23South Central 7202
David Lloyd Cardiff DHarry Thomas24South Central 7000
David Lloyd Cardiff DSamuel Thomas25South Central 7000
David Lloyd Swansea ARhys Jones1West Central 1303
David Lloyd Swansea AMillie Breach1West Central 1101
David Lloyd Swansea AStuart Watts2West Central 1303
David Lloyd Swansea AMatthew Dainton3West Central 1404
David Lloyd Swansea ARhys Jones4West Central 1303
David Lloyd Swansea ATerence Brown4West Central 1404
David Lloyd Swansea AKieran Daniel5West Central 1303
David Lloyd Swansea BPaul Jones1West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BChris Young2West Central 2303
David Lloyd Swansea BGeraint Flowers3West Central 2101
David Lloyd Swansea BGaurav Saha4West Central 2202
David Lloyd Swansea BBen Sutton5West Central 2303
David Lloyd Swansea BJason Bennett6West Central 2314
David Lloyd Swansea BDaniel Bullen7West Central 2101
David Lloyd Swansea BMatthew Thomas8West Central 2101
David Lloyd Swansea BJames Williams9West Central 2314
David Lloyd Swansea BBleddyn Thomas10West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BNeil Rees11West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BPhil Sudale11West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BJames Walker12West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BNeil Rees12West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BJames Walker13West Central 2000
David Lloyd Swansea BMatthew Carter13West Central 2011
David Lloyd Swansea BPeter Norval14West Central 2011
David Lloyd Swansea BMatthew Carter14West Central 2011
David Lloyd Swansea BPeter Norval15West Central 2011
Fishguard AJames Walters1Pembrokeshire 1000
Fishguard AShaun Waller2Pembrokeshire 1617
Fishguard AGareth Evans3Pembrokeshire 1325
Fishguard AJulian Griffiths4Pembrokeshire 1628
Fishguard AMichael Williams5Pembrokeshire 1628
Fishguard BChris van Kempen1Pembrokeshire 27310
Fishguard BRob Potts2Pembrokeshire 2718
Fishguard BJohn Bennington3Pembrokeshire 2729
Fishguard BDai Owen4Pembrokeshire 2426
Fishguard BGwynant Watson4Pembrokeshire 2538
Fishguard BDai Owen5Pembrokeshire 2426
Fishguard BAngus Clemence5Pembrokeshire 2224
Fishguard BGwynant Watson6Pembrokeshire 2538
Fishguard BAngus Clemence6Pembrokeshire 2224
Fishguard BAndrew Clemence7Pembrokeshire 2404
Fishguard BEileen Rondeau8Pembrokeshire 2202
Hirwaun ALouis Stephens1South Central 1729
Hirwaun ADale Evans2South Central 1426
Hirwaun ARyan Davis3South Central 1718
Hirwaun AOwen Heyes3South Central 1729
Hirwaun ALee Thomas4South Central 1729
Hirwaun ARyan Davis4South Central 1718
Hirwaun AOwen Heyes5South Central 1729
Hirwaun ALee Thomas5South Central 1729
Hirwaun BAlyx Kelleher1South Central 3224
Hirwaun BJohn Stephens2South Central 3000
Hirwaun BHoward John2South Central 3909
Hirwaun BMorgan Jones3South Central 3617
Hirwaun BJohn Stephens3South Central 3000
Hirwaun BHoward John4South Central 3909
Hirwaun BMorgan Jones4South Central 3617
Hirwaun BGareth Heyes5South Central 3617
Hirwaun BPhil Tucker5South Central 3202
Hirwaun BRichard Jones6South Central 3606
Hirwaun CJonathan Bowen1South Central 4314
Hirwaun CRichard Jones1South Central 4606
Hirwaun CGareth Heyes2South Central 4617
Hirwaun CPhil Tucker2South Central 4202
Hirwaun CCraig Bluck3South Central 4314
Hirwaun CDean Phillips4South Central 4617
Hirwaun CJonathan Bowen4South Central 4314
Hirwaun CPaul Rowlands5South Central 4729
Hirwaun CDean Phillips5South Central 4617
Hirwaun CChris Kelleher6South Central 4628
Hirwaun DJason Cates1South Central 7527
Hirwaun DPaul Rowlands1South Central 7729
Hirwaun DJason Bull2South Central 7213
Hirwaun DChris Kelleher2South Central 7628
Hirwaun DJason Bull3South Central 7213
Hirwaun DPhil Eason3South Central 7516
Hirwaun DBob Gould4South Central 7303
Hirwaun DDarren Davies5South Central 7112
Hirwaun DJason Cates6South Central 7527
Hirwaun DStuart Williams6South Central 7000
Hirwaun DPaul Shopland7South Central 7000
Hirwaun DDarren Davies7South Central 7112
Hirwaun DPaul Shopland8South Central 7000
Hirwaun DDylan Thomas8South Central 7505
Hirwaun DAndrew Sparkes9South Central 7011
Hirwaun DKieran Parry10South Central 7404
Hirwaun DAndrew Sparkes10South Central 7011
Hirwaun DKieran Parry11South Central 7404
Hirwaun DMatthew Rosser11South Central 7101
Hirwaun DDave Grant12South Central 7101
Hirwaun DDorian Prowle13South Central 7516
Hirwaun DDave Grant13South Central 7101
Hirwaun DDorian Prowle14South Central 7516
Hirwaun DPhil Thomas14South Central 7000
Hirwaun DRoss Stephens15South Central 7101
Hirwaun DPhil Thomas15South Central 7000
Hirwaun DRoss Stephens16South Central 7101
Hirwaun DAlfie Ingham16South Central 7000
Hirwaun DPaul Edwards17South Central 7415
Hirwaun DJonathon Garner18South Central 7415
Hirwaun DRichard C Bennett19South Central 7000
Hirwaun DMaxen Thomas20South Central 7112
Hirwaun DPaul Edwards21South Central 7415
Holywell 1Mike Dykins1NE Wales 1213
Holywell 1Alex Day2NE Wales 1628
Holywell 1Jason Shill3NE Wales 1325
Holywell 1Michael Plumb4NE Wales 1527
Holywell 1Roy Crompton5NE Wales 1303
Holywell 1Chris Bunnell6NE Wales 1628
Holywell 1Tim Sinton7NE Wales 1303
Holywell 1Dai Williams8NE Wales 1213
Holywell 1Paul Day9NE Wales 1000
Holywell 1Stuart Askey10NE Wales 1000
Llandaff ASarah Clode1South Central 1729
Llandaff AEirian Crabbe2South Central 1729
Llandaff AOwain Davies3South Central 1617
Llandaff AScott Clode4South Central 1505
Llandaff ANatalie Anwyll5South Central 1314
Llandaff BPaul Soulsby1South Central 8347
Llandaff BGethin Mills2South Central 8415
Llandaff BMel Davies3South Central 8527
Llandaff BTony Baird4South Central 8628
Llandaff BJulie Clode5South Central 8011
Llandaff BGwilym Rees6South Central 8213
Llandaff BVishan Perera7South Central 8000
Llandaff BLee Scott8South Central 8415
Llandaff BKieran Rogers9South Central 8011
Llandaff BKathryn Woods10South Central 8415
Llandaff BClaudia Crabbe11South Central 8202
Llandaff BJames Davies12South Central 8000
Llandaff BAndy Davies13South Central 8101
Llandaff BSarah Giles14South Central 8101
Llandeilo APhillip Thomas1Premier 2415
Llandeilo AMark Moon2Premier 2606
Llandeilo AFern Church3Premier 2718
Llandeilo AAndrew Williams4Premier 2617
Llandeilo AGrant Jones5Premier 2415
Llandeilo BRob Monaghan1West Central 1808
Llandeilo BLloyd Jones2West Central 1707
Llandeilo BOliver Guilford3West Central 1404
Llandeilo BDarren Hill4West Central 1516
Llandeilo BRobert Owen5West Central 1404
Llandeilo CHuw Griffiths1West Central 3303
Llandeilo CMark Toller2West Central 3505
Llandeilo CRobin Livermore3West Central 3505
Llandeilo CJake Guerin4West Central 3000
Llandeilo CHuw Greening5West Central 3202
Llandeilo CChris Rogers6West Central 3101
Llandeilo CSion Wilcox7West Central 3606
Llandeilo CPaul Jones8West Central 3202
Llandeilo CMarcus Noakes9West Central 3202
Llandeilo CJames Austin10West Central 3101
Llandeilo CMark Thorne11West Central 3303
Llanelli ASam Weeds1Premier 1516
Llanelli AAled Lloyd Davies2Premier 1415
Llanelli AAdam Coates3Premier 1617
Llanelli ADavid Spinks4Premier 1202
Llanelli AMark Davies5Premier 1101
Llanelli BMark Jones1West Central 1303
Llanelli BRhys Westcott2West Central 1729
Llanelli BJosh Weeds3West Central 1516
Llanelli BAlex Parkin4West Central 1516
Llanelli BRhydian Morgan5West Central 1415
Llanelli BLee Davies6West Central 1415
Llanelli BSimon Griffiths7West Central 1415
Llanelli BMark Westcott8West Central 1404
Llanelli DSteve Lott1West Central 3303
Llanelli DSianco Morgan2West Central 3303
Llanelli DRajmund Kaluza3West Central 3505
Llanelli DPaul Dunne4West Central 3101
Llanelli DDafydd Gould5West Central 3101
Llanelli DCraig Owen6West Central 3101
Llanelli DSimon Williams7West Central 3404
Llanelli DMatthew D Thomas8West Central 3303
Llanelli DCarwyn Phillips9West Central 3303
Llanelli DHowell Morgan10West Central 3101
Llanelli DJohn Lewis11West Central 3101
Llanelli Leisure AMichael Taylor1West Central 3404
Llanelli Leisure ARob Dodd2West Central 3101
Llanelli Leisure AHuw Dakin3West Central 3202
Llanelli Leisure AJames Reed4West Central 3404
Llanelli Leisure AKerry Gravelle5West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure AJohn Harwood6West Central 3404
Llanelli Leisure BDave Malpas1West Central 3516
Llanelli Leisure BLuke Studley2West Central 3718
Llanelli Leisure BCraig Sterling3West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure BRhodri Hughes4West Central 3516
Llanelli Leisure BMarc Wilkins5West Central 3617
Llanelli Leisure BJames Gilchrist6West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure BRichard Jones6West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure BClive Perman7West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure BHywel Davis8West Central 3202
Llanelli Leisure BClive Perman8West Central 3000
Llanelli Leisure BRoger Gammon9West Central 3516
Llanelli Leisure BHywel Davis9West Central 3202
Llanelli Leisure BAndrew Banfield10West Central 3303
Llanelli Leisure BRoger Gammon10West Central 3516
Llanelli Leisure BYousef Helal11West Central 3202
Llanelli Leisure BAndrew Banfield11West Central 3303
Llanelli Leisure BYousef Helal12West Central 3202
Llanishen AOwain Bass1South Central 1617
Llanishen AScott Couzens2South Central 1516
Llanishen AJames King3South Central 1707
Llanishen ATom Bird4South Central 1516
Llanishen AJoel Baldwin5South Central 1415
Llanishen AJon Rifflart6South Central 1314
Llanishen AStuart D'Ivry7South Central 1303
Llanishen ALloyd Green8South Central 1000
Llanishen ABevan Duff9South Central 1202
Llanishen BJack Scott1South Central 4101
Llanishen BStephen J Thomas2South Central 4101
Llanishen BCurtis Chapman3South Central 4213
Llanishen BAdam Wardell3South Central 4303
Llanishen BGavin Rogers4South Central 4415
Llanishen BOwen Walters4South Central 4505
Llanishen BCurtis Chapman5South Central 4213
Llanishen BAdam Wardell5South Central 4303
Llanishen BKyle Thompson6South Central 4101
Llanishen BOwen Walters7South Central 4505
Llanishen BGavin Rogers7South Central 4415
Llanishen BAndrew Vittle8South Central 4415
Llanishen CChi Yau1South Central 5415
Llanishen CJames Walby1South Central 5213
Llanishen CPhillip Maybury2South Central 5729
Llanishen CRichard Brennan2South Central 5000
Llanishen CDewi Rose3South Central 5224
Llanishen CLiam Richards3South Central 5011
Llanishen CPhillip Maybury4South Central 5729
Llanishen CJames Walby4South Central 5213
Llanishen CJames Jackson5South Central 5729
Llanishen CChi Yau5South Central 5415
Llanishen CTom McDonough6South Central 5000
Llanishen CJames Jackson6South Central 5729
Llanishen CDewi Rose7South Central 5224
Llanishen CAdrian Webber7South Central 5303
Llanishen CMartin Van8South Central 5000
Llanishen CAdrian Webber8South Central 5303
Llanishen CDarren Morris9South Central 5404
Llanishen CTom McDonough9South Central 5000
Llanishen CMartin Van10South Central 5000
Llanishen CDarren Morris11South Central 5404
Llanishen DMatt Perry1South Central 69110
Llanishen DPhil Cuddihy2South Central 6516
Llanishen DKesar Rafiq3South Central 6314
Llanishen DEd Mather4South Central 6729
Llanishen DDan Cain5South Central 6000
Llanishen DIan D'Ivry6South Central 6426
Llanishen DAlec Howard7South Central 6303
Llanishen DJames Bishop8South Central 6022
Llanishen DBernadette Lewis9South Central 6325
Llanishen DGareth Rees10South Central 6527
Llanrwst 1Alex Kirkpatrick1Eryri 1404
Llanrwst 1Elin Harlow2Eryri 1112
Llanrwst 1Mark Carnall3Eryri 1000
Llanrwst 1Sam Griffith4Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 1Iwan Griffiths - Jones5Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 2Jacob Ryan1Eryri 1415
Llanrwst 2Dylan Griffiths2Eryri 1718
Llanrwst 2Matt Lee2Eryri 1202
Llanrwst 2Dylan Griffiths3Eryri 1718
Llanrwst 2Matt Lee3Eryri 1202
Llanrwst 2Bryan Gardner4Eryri 1213
Llanrwst 2Joseph Ryland4Eryri 1516
Llanrwst 2Jonathan Lee Jones5Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 2Carwyn McFadden5Eryri 1000
Llanrwst 2Jonathan Lee Jones6Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 2Bryan Gardner6Eryri 1213
Llanrwst 2Joseph Ryland7Eryri 1516
Llanrwst 2Alex Williams7Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 2Jonny Coombes8Eryri 1314
Llanrwst 2Alex Williams8Eryri 1617
Llanrwst 2Jonny Coombes9Eryri 1314
Llanrwst 2Lewis Davies10Eryri 1101
Llantrisant AJason Jones1Premier 2617
Llantrisant AJoe Eason2Premier 2707
Llantrisant ATom Penberthy3Premier 2617
Llantrisant AJack Elvis4Premier 2707
Llantrisant AAdrian Brace5Premier 2718
Llantrisant BGary Fry1South Central 2538
Llantrisant BMike Watkins2South Central 2729
Llantrisant BBen Howcroft3South Central 28210
Llantrisant BKevin Taylor4South Central 2729
Llantrisant BJoshua Sion Davies5South Central 2516
Llantrisant CSam Norris1South Central 37310
Llantrisant CAshley Maybury2South Central 3415
Llantrisant CMadalena Sidoli3South Central 3718
Llantrisant CRich Timms4South Central 3729
Llantrisant CJosh Llewellyn4South Central 3628
Llantrisant CRich Timms5South Central 3729
Llantrisant CJosh Llewellyn5South Central 3628
Llantrisant CNick Wilkes6South Central 3303
Llantrisant CRob Mitchell7South Central 3000
Llantrisant CMatthew Thomas8South Central 3101
Llantrisant DMark Juhlke1South Central 58311
Llantrisant DHuw Davies2South Central 5606
Llantrisant DDan Griffiths3South Central 5729
Llantrisant DMark Morgan4South Central 5639
Llantrisant DRyan Vaughan5South Central 5224
Llantrisant DJo Norris6South Central 5527
Llantrisant ESteven Thomas1South Central 6101
Llantrisant EMike Watts2South Central 6617
Llantrisant ECarl Whiteley3South Central 6617
Llantrisant EAngharad Llewellyn4South Central 6404
Llantrisant ERhys Gooch5South Central 6011
Llantrisant EMatthew Edmunds6South Central 6101
Llantrisant ENaomi Jones7South Central 6303
Llantrisant ERhys Jenkins8South Central 6516
Llantrisant ESteve Evans9South Central 6325
Llantrisant ETom Tolley10South Central 6000
Llantrisant EHayley Thomas11South Central 6101
Llantrisant EHuw Jenkins12South Central 6404
Llantrisant EHannah Nicol13South Central 6000
Maesteg AMichael Moseley1South Central 3505
Maesteg ARhys Davies2South Central 3718
Maesteg ANeil Hughes3South Central 3516
Maesteg ALee Sainsbury4South Central 3404
Maesteg AJames Jones5South Central 3516
Maesteg BPaul Morgan1South Central 6617
Maesteg BMegan Beynon2South Central 6617
Maesteg BThomas Fenlon2South Central 6819
Maesteg BMegan Beynon3South Central 6617
Maesteg BThomas Fenlon3South Central 6819
Maesteg BRobert Frame4South Central 6101
Maesteg BLeighton Beynon4South Central 6718
Maesteg BRobert Frame5South Central 6101
Maesteg BLeighton Beynon5South Central 6718
Maesteg BRob Evans6South Central 6213
Maesteg BDaniel Morgan7South Central 6101
Maesteg BSally Davis8South Central 6000
Maesteg BRicky Neagle9South Central 6617
Maesteg BAnwen Davis10South Central 6000
Maesteg BBronwen Davis11South Central 6213
Meads LC AAlfie Wheeler1West Central 1101
Meads LC AJames Walters2West Central 1101
Meads LC ANick Dyer3West Central 1202
Meads LC AShaun Waller4West Central 1505
Meads LC AMartin Rudd5West Central 1101
Meads LC AGareth Evans6West Central 1202
Meads LC AGareth Warlow7West Central 1404
Meads LC AMike Carew8West Central 1000
Meads LC AJulian Griffiths9West Central 1404
Meads LC AMike Williams10West Central 1404
Merthyr ALewis Poole1Premier 1718
Merthyr AEllie Breach2Premier 1718
Merthyr AAran Edwards3Premier 1213
Merthyr AAnthony Roberts4Premier 1718
Merthyr AMillie Breach5Premier 1819
Merthyr BCraig Pike1South Central 2718
Merthyr BLaurence D'Arcy2South Central 28210
Merthyr BMike Berry3South Central 2000
Merthyr BSam Hampson4South Central 2000
Merthyr BGethin Poole4South Central 210212
Merthyr BHuw Davis5South Central 2101
Merthyr CSam Hampson1South Central 4000
Merthyr CGethin Poole1South Central 410212
Merthyr CMark Palmer2South Central 411213
Merthyr CCraig Poole3South Central 410111
Merthyr CChris Stockman4South Central 4606
Merthyr CIestyn Prince5South Central 4213
Merthyr DChris A Davies1South Central 4516
Merthyr DDaniel Richards2South Central 48210
Merthyr DDavid Cope3South Central 4101
Merthyr DMichael Cope4South Central 4505
Merthyr DMatthew Lewis5South Central 4819
Merthyr EShaun Phillips1South Central 68210
Merthyr EAdam Lewis2South Central 6718
Merthyr EIan Shutt3South Central 6314
Merthyr ELenny Lewis4South Central 612214
Merthyr EDavid Burville5South Central 69110
Merthyr FKieron Pike1South Central 7437
Merthyr FTim McQue2South Central 7101
Merthyr FMike McCarthy3South Central 7000
Merthyr FJon Phillips4South Central 7516
Merthyr FTudor Bostan5South Central 7325
Merthyr FRichard Evans6South Central 7628
Merthyr FKian Lewis7South Central 79110
Merthyr FGavin Griffiths8South Central 7000
Merthyr FAndrew Thomas9South Central 7000
Merthyr FPhillip James10South Central 7516
Merthyr FAndrew Evans11South Central 7415
Merthyr FDane Bridges12South Central 7202
Merthyr FMatthew Cope13South Central 7112
Merthyr FJamie Evans14South Central 7628
Merthyr FAdam James-Wilkinson15South Central 7213
Merthyr Juniors GJack Baldwin1South Central 8628
Merthyr Juniors GKayden Roberts2South Central 8628
Merthyr Juniors GTyler Price3South Central 8628
Merthyr Juniors GPoppy Grace Lancaster4South Central 8628
Merthyr Juniors GTomos Young5South Central 8628
Merthyr Ladies HJill Griffiths1South Central 8505
Merthyr Ladies HTracey Gibbs2South Central 8527
Merthyr Ladies HLisa Winser3South Central 8325
Merthyr Ladies HRebecca Roberts3South Central 8426
Merthyr Ladies HMalgorzata Stoncel4South Central 8202
Merthyr Ladies HLisa Winser4South Central 8325
Merthyr Ladies HRachel Howells5South Central 8000
Merthyr Ladies HMalgorzata Stoncel5South Central 8202
Merthyr Ladies HRachel Howells6South Central 8000
Merthyr Ladies HRebecca Roberts6South Central 8426
Merthyr Ladies HCariad Sealey7South Central 8314
Merthyr Ladies HAnna Smyth8South Central 8314
Merthyr Ladies HVicky Jefferson9South Central 8213
Merthyr Ladies HJade Williams10South Central 8101
Merthyr Ladies HJennifer Evans11South Central 8213
MidtownShayne Byron1NE Wales 1527
MidtownGareth Roberts2NE Wales 1516
MidtownNigel Thomas3NE Wales 1101
MidtownStuart Thomas4NE Wales 1426
MidtownPeter Townsend5NE Wales 1516
MidtownGraham Peers6NE Wales 1426
MidtownStephen Jones7NE Wales 1000
MidtownPhil McCarthy8NE Wales 1516
Mold 1Daniel Font1NE Wales 1628
Mold 1Andy Scutter2NE Wales 1516
Mold 1Robert Blair3NE Wales 1112
Mold 1Jordan Lomas4NE Wales 1628
Mold 1Alun Wilson5NE Wales 1628
Mold 1Alex Graham6NE Wales 1213
Mold 1Ben Travers7NE Wales 1000
Mold 1Coran Williams8NE Wales 1415
Mold 1Joe Travers9NE Wales 1000
Monmouth AChris Archer1East Central 1202
Monmouth APhil Croager2East Central 1101
Monmouth ACharles Lawson3East Central 1505
Monmouth ACedric Hazell4East Central 1404
Monmouth ATom Lyons5East Central 1303
Monmouth AIan Moore6East Central 1505
Monmouth AClare Catto7East Central 1202
Monmouth AStewart Allan8East Central 1202
Monmouth AAvtar Singh Saran9East Central 1404
Monmouth BWill McGuinness1East Central 2404
Monmouth BMartin Van2East Central 2101
Monmouth BRory Sheppard3East Central 2202
Monmouth BAnthony Rabbitt4East Central 2404
Monmouth BBob Jones5East Central 2516
Monmouth BPaul Thomson6East Central 2314
Monmouth BGeoff Lea7East Central 2718
Monmouth CHaydn Holder1East Central 2819
Monmouth CDoug Yates2East Central 2415
Monmouth CSteve Howell3East Central 2527
Monmouth CChristian Moeller-Olsen4East Central 2303
Monmouth CAndy Robinson5East Central 2000
Monmouth CAlan Whitaker6East Central 2000
Monmouth CWill Green7East Central 2505
Monmouth CDavid Kirk8East Central 2516
Monmouth CRhiannon Marks9East Central 2314
Monmouth CTheo Burt10East Central 2112
NALGO Vets 1James Smith1Eryri 1404
NALGO Vets 1Hannah Williams2Eryri 1202
NALGO Vets 1Helen Barnard2Eryri 1404
NALGO Vets 1Hannah Williams3Eryri 1202
NALGO Vets 1Helen Barnard3Eryri 1404
NALGO Vets 1David Barnard4Eryri 1606
NALGO Vets 1Oliver Singleton5Eryri 1505
NALGO Vets 2Richard Holland1Eryri 2415
NALGO Vets 2Gareth Davies2Eryri 2404
NALGO Vets 2Alexandro Damico2Eryri 2314
NALGO Vets 2Aaron Eaton3Eryri 2101
NALGO Vets 2Alexandro Damico3Eryri 2314
NALGO Vets 2Gareth Davies4Eryri 2404
NALGO Vets 2Stuart Benson4Eryri 2516
NALGO Vets 2Leigh Ryder5Eryri 2101
NALGO Vets 2Stuart Benson6Eryri 2516
NALGO Vets 2John Waller6Eryri 2415
NALGO Vets 2Gareth Griffiths7Eryri 2112
NALGO Vets 2Aaron Eaton8Eryri 2101
NALGO Vets 2John Waller8Eryri 2415
NALGO Vets 2Jack Willis9Eryri 2202
NALGO Vets 2Dyfrig Jones10Eryri 2000
NALGO Vets 2Jack Hipkiss-Hughes11Eryri 2303
NALGO Vets 2Alex Lovell- Smith12Eryri 2101
Narberth ADave Smith1Pembrokeshire 2224
Narberth ASean Page2Pembrokeshire 2000
Narberth ARhydian Evans3Pembrokeshire 2303
Narberth AJulian Stanton4Pembrokeshire 2202
Narberth APerry Davies5Pembrokeshire 2415
Narberth BKevin James1Pembrokeshire 2101
Narberth BSteve Haysom2Pembrokeshire 2538
Narberth BKieran Barclay3Pembrokeshire 2101
Narberth BJason Rees4Pembrokeshire 2527
Narberth BChris Osborne5Pembrokeshire 2437
Narberth BMartyn Davies6Pembrokeshire 2437
Narberth BTom Wells7Pembrokeshire 2527
Narberth BRichard Bell8Pembrokeshire 2202
Narberth BSimon Warwick9Pembrokeshire 2101
Narberth BRitchie Pulman10Pembrokeshire 2426
Narberth BIan Moore11Pembrokeshire 2202
Narberth BGraeme Flynn12Pembrokeshire 2617
Narberth BStuart Phillips13Pembrokeshire 2011
Newport AStephen Thompson1Premier 2303
Newport AChris Lovett2Premier 2617
Newport AJennifer Haley3Premier 2718
Newport AStefan Marks4Premier 2718
Newport AAndy Thirsk5Premier 2617
Newport AAndrew Brace6Premier 2404
Newport BMark Huxtable1East Central 1426
Newport BBen French1East Central 1527
Newport BWill Crowe2East Central 1527
Newport BMark Huxtable2East Central 1426
Newport BWill Crowe3East Central 1527
Newport BBen French3East Central 1527
Newport BRichard Drinkwater4East Central 1527
Newport BGary Evans5East Central 1426
Newport BLewis Fraser6East Central 1101
Newport BBen Lee-Smith7East Central 1213
Newport BEve Griffiths8East Central 1101
Newport CSebastian Roth1East Central 1202
Newport CMark Blenken2East Central 1303
Newport CMat Britton2East Central 1505
Newport CNathan Griffiths3East Central 1505
Newport CMat Britton3East Central 1505
Newport CNathan Griffiths4East Central 1505
Newport CLewis Babbage4East Central 1606
Newport CMark Blenken5East Central 1303
Newport CLewis Babbage5East Central 1606
Newport CMike Clifton-Thompson6East Central 1101
Newport CJonathan Taylor7East Central 1404
Newport DEvie Salisbury1East Central 2819
Newport DWarren Owen2East Central 2404
Newport DCourtney Edmunds3East Central 2718
Newport DLewis Stacey4East Central 2617
Newport DIestyn Viggers5East Central 2314
Newport DElsie Griffiths6East Central 2202
Newport DJack Drinkwater7East Central 2202
Newport DConner Porter8East Central 2000
Old Penarthians AAlexis Cole1Premier 2606
Old Penarthians AJoe Rhys-Curtis2Premier 2718
Old Penarthians ASimon Kilshaw3Premier 2415
Old Penarthians AIan Fenner-Evans3Premier 2617
Old Penarthians ASimon Kilshaw4Premier 2415
Old Penarthians AChris Owens5Premier 2314
Old Penarthians AChris Greenaway6Premier 2516
Old Penarthians AAlex Hillman6Premier 2000
Old Penarthians AChris Greenaway7Premier 2516
Old Penarthians AAlex Hillman7Premier 2000
Old Penarthians APaul Duffy8Premier 2000
Old Penarthians CLucas Hopkins1South Central 59312
Old Penarthians CJohn Spence2South Central 5516
Old Penarthians CPat Westlake3South Central 5617
Old Penarthians CGemma Williams4South Central 5415
Old Penarthians CCraig Withycombe5South Central 5527
Old Penarthians CMathew Day5South Central 5516
Old Penarthians CCraig Withycombe6South Central 5527
Old Penarthians CJohn Armstrong6South Central 5527
Old Penarthians CMathew Day7South Central 5516
Old Penarthians DPaddy Tyler1South Central 8516
Old Penarthians DVance Mialkowski2South Central 8404
Old Penarthians DSimon McCarthy3South Central 8516
Old Penarthians DLee Thomas4South Central 8000
Old Penarthians DRoger Bleay5South Central 8415
Old Penarthians DPaul Ogden6South Central 8314
Old Penarthians DMark Williams7South Central 8112
Old Penarthians DBrandon Ogden8South Central 8426
Old Penarthians DPhoebe Williams9South Central 8213
Old Penarthians DLucas Browne10South Central 8112
Pembroke BushMartin Rudd1Pembrokeshire 1101
Pembroke BushGareth Warlow2Pembrokeshire 1314
Pembroke BushRoss Edwards3Pembrokeshire 1000
Pembroke BushKim Davies4Pembrokeshire 1325
Pembroke BushPeter Davies5Pembrokeshire 1314
Pembroke BushAshley Thompson6Pembrokeshire 1213
Pembroke BushChris Barker7Pembrokeshire 1000
Pembroke BushNick Joseph8Pembrokeshire 1224
Pembroke BushMark Power9Pembrokeshire 1112
PenybontGreg Price1East Central 1617
PenybontMick Jones2East Central 1617
PenybontJohn Uppington3East Central 1314
PenybontHuw Holder4East Central 1516
PenybontSam Leader5East Central 1415
PenybontJohn Vowles6East Central 1303
PenybontLee Williams7East Central 1101
PenybontSam Williams8East Central 1000
Pontardawe ARichard Williams1West Central 2404
Pontardawe ARichard Marks2West Central 2404
Pontardawe AElliot Jones3West Central 2404
Pontardawe ASteve White4West Central 2101
Pontardawe AKeith Jones5West Central 2404
Pontardawe BRichard Harbron1West Central 3011
Pontardawe BBrian Jones2West Central 3000
Pontardawe BJames Lillico3West Central 3101
Pontardawe BLen Amos4West Central 3314
Pontardawe BBryn Mantle5West Central 3314
Pontardawe BTerry John6West Central 3404
Pontardawe BRob Colwell7West Central 3505
Pontardawe BRay Davies8West Central 3213
Pontardawe BMike Blyth9West Central 3000
Pontardawe BPaul Ogborne10West Central 3112
Pontardawe BJames Thomas Williams11West Central 3606
Pontardawe BAdam J Williams12West Central 3303
Porthcawl ALewys Audsley1South Central 2718
Porthcawl ADarren Nicholas Thomas2South Central 2516
Porthcawl ASimon Lau3South Central 2628
Porthcawl ADane Sexton4South Central 2101
Porthcawl AHywel Price5South Central 2527
Porthcawl BMike Audsley1South Central 79211
Porthcawl BChris Martin2South Central 7729
Porthcawl BDavid Williams3South Central 7202
Porthcawl BIan Kavanagh4South Central 710111
Porthcawl BDarren Sparks5South Central 7505
Porthcawl BAnni Martin6South Central 7202
Porthcawl BDerek Hillan7South Central 7000
Porthcawl BAnnalise Kavanah8South Central 7000
Porthmadog ADylan Davies1Eryri 1404
Porthmadog ABen Lauder2Eryri 1606
Porthmadog AErin Lauder3Eryri 1718
Porthmadog ADave Jones4Eryri 1707
Porthmadog ARyan French5Eryri 1707
Porthmadog BRhys Goodhead1Eryri 2314
Porthmadog BLeon Lauder2Eryri 2213
Porthmadog BCarla Lauder3Eryri 2213
Porthmadog BPaul Thompson4Eryri 2213
Porthmadog BSimon Ward5Eryri 2000
Porthmadog BDyfan Eban Griffiths6Eryri 2000
Rhiwbina ADavid Haley1Premier 1718
Rhiwbina APeter Berkley2Premier 1718
Rhiwbina ADeclan Cottrell3Premier 1617
Rhiwbina ARhys Luffman4Premier 1617
Rhiwbina ARichard Murphy5Premier 1314
Rhiwbina AJames Powell6Premier 1404
Rhiwbina ARichard Imm7Premier 1202
Rhiwbina AFrazer Richards8Premier 1000
Rhiwbina BAlex Rowlands1Premier 1718
Rhiwbina BGareth Pitt2Premier 1505
Rhiwbina BWill Bradshaw3Premier 1718
Rhiwbina BPaul Atkinson4Premier 1516
Rhiwbina BScott Wright5Premier 1718
Rhiwbina BTom Murphy6Premier 1202
Rhiwbina CDanny Berkley1South Central 18311
Rhiwbina CCarl Elsby2South Central 1628
Rhiwbina CChris Powell3South Central 1628
Rhiwbina CReuben Davis4South Central 1404
Rhiwbina CAndrew Cowgill5South Central 1516
Rhiwbina CAbby Hicks6South Central 1224
Rhiwbina DTony Smith1South Central 2516
Rhiwbina DPaul Vermaak2South Central 28311
Rhiwbina DHassan Noor3South Central 2729
Rhiwbina DMark Davies4South Central 2404
Rhiwbina DTim Dulson5South Central 2415
Rhiwbina EFrankie Pill1South Central 3718
Rhiwbina EAnthony Williams2South Central 3516
Rhiwbina ESam Everall3South Central 3617
Rhiwbina ESteen Anderson4South Central 3617
Rhiwbina EDean Robinson4South Central 3426
Rhiwbina ERebecca Baker5South Central 3617
Rhiwbina EDean Robinson5South Central 3426
Rhiwbina ETai Griffiths6South Central 3415
Rhiwbina ERebecca Baker6South Central 3617
Rhiwbina ESteen Anderson7South Central 3617
Rhiwbina ETai Griffiths7South Central 3415
Rhiwbina EHarri Jones8South Central 3202
Rhiwbina ESarah Creed9South Central 3202
Rhiwbina EHuw Moores10South Central 3101
Rhiwbina EJonathan Bould11South Central 3000
Rhiwbina FAdam Davies1South Central 3718
Rhiwbina FBrandon Burnett2South Central 3718
Rhiwbina FKingsley Rees3South Central 3202
Rhiwbina FPaul Anthony Hounsell4South Central 3000
Rhiwbina FJosh Graham5South Central 3101
Rhiwbina FGareth Harris6South Central 3516
Rhiwbina FDai Selway7South Central 3505
Rhiwbina FZak Thomas8South Central 3101
Rhiwbina GJacob Green1South Central 5606
Rhiwbina GAndy Jones2South Central 5000
Rhiwbina GRichard Manners2South Central 5000
Rhiwbina GAelig Robin3South Central 5415
Rhiwbina GRichard Manners3South Central 5000
Rhiwbina GIwan Steele4South Central 5011
Rhiwbina GAelig Robin4South Central 5415
Rhiwbina GJames Barnes5South Central 5639
Rhiwbina GIwan Steele5South Central 5011
Rhiwbina GDave Dean6South Central 5527
Rhiwbina GJames Barnes6South Central 5639
Rhiwbina GTom Yuen7South Central 5527
Rhiwbina GDave Dean7South Central 5527
Rhiwbina GMorgan Hanks8South Central 5202
Rhiwbina GTom Yuen8South Central 5527
Rhiwbina GAdam Grey9South Central 5516
Rhiwbina GMorgan Hanks9South Central 5202
Rhiwbina GAdam Grey10South Central 5516
Rhiwbina GMartin Vicary10South Central 5202
Rhiwbina HBen Hughes1South Central 7639
Rhiwbina HPaul Brown2South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HJack Baber3South Central 7112
Rhiwbina HKris Wojciechowski4South Central 7101
Rhiwbina HGary Selway4South Central 7415
Rhiwbina HKris Wojciechowski5South Central 7101
Rhiwbina HChris Pill6South Central 7314
Rhiwbina HElizabeth Selway6South Central 7415
Rhiwbina HThomas Marshall7South Central 7303
Rhiwbina HZach Minto7South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HThomas Selway8South Central 7213
Rhiwbina HElizabeth Selway8South Central 7415
Rhiwbina HChris Pill9South Central 7314
Rhiwbina HThomas Selway9South Central 7213
Rhiwbina HZach Minto10South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HAndrew McEwan10South Central 7202
Rhiwbina HRichard Maggs11South Central 7202
Rhiwbina HAndrew McEwan11South Central 7202
Rhiwbina HThomas Marshall12South Central 7303
Rhiwbina HRichard Maggs12South Central 7202
Rhiwbina HStephen Rowlands13South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HLeo Pill13South Central 7101
Rhiwbina HEsther Roberts14South Central 7303
Rhiwbina HStephen Rowlands14South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HJames Evans15South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HEsther Roberts15South Central 7303
Rhiwbina HJames Evans16South Central 7000
Rhiwbina HLeo Pill16South Central 7101
Risca ALloyd Green1East Central 1617
Risca AMatt Woart2East Central 1617
Risca AJack Scott3East Central 1516
Risca AStephen J Thomas4East Central 1404
Risca AKyle Thompson5East Central 1516
Risca BOwen Walters1East Central 2202
Risca BThomas Berrow2East Central 2707
Risca BDavid Kendrick3East Central 2415
Risca BColin Peckham4East Central 2505
Risca BGraeme Smith5East Central 2617
Risca CAndrew Vittle1East Central 2729
Risca CRobert Gould2East Central 2202
Risca CDewi Rose3East Central 2303
Risca CSteve Cambray4East Central 2639
Risca CRhys Thomas5East Central 2617
Risca CAdrian Webber6East Central 2516
Risca CRhys George7East Central 2000
Risca CNeil Purnell8East Central 2303
Risca CMatt Perry9East Central 2123
Risca CRonan Williams10East Central 2101
Risca CJack Critchley11East Central 2213
Risca CPaul Taylor12East Central 2224
Risca CBrendan Thorpe13East Central 2224
Risca CMike Anderson14East Central 2000
Seasiders at Old PensDave Pearn1South Central 4617
Seasiders at Old PensLloyd Fisher2South Central 4617
Seasiders at Old PensAlan Chamberlain3South Central 4718
Seasiders at Old PensRichard Declaire3South Central 4718
Seasiders at Old PensRichard Hine4South Central 4505
Seasiders at Old PensAlan Chamberlain4South Central 4718
Seasiders at Old PensRichard Declaire5South Central 4718
Seasiders at Old PensRichard Hine5South Central 4505
Seasiders at Old PensBrian Evans6South Central 4000
Seasiders at Old PensTimothy Arnold7South Central 4000
St Mellons ARicky Davies1South Central 1718
St Mellons ADavid Evans2South Central 1707
St Mellons AJoseph Pandeli3South Central 1505
St Mellons ALayna Beattie4South Central 1415
St Mellons AAdam Darlow5South Central 1505
St Mellons AAndrew Rees6South Central 1617
St Mellons BMark Ackerman1South Central 3404
St Mellons BJohn Blackmore2South Central 3516
St Mellons BAadil Hussain3South Central 3404
St Mellons BPaul Sullivan4South Central 3505
St Mellons BKevin Miller5South Central 3505
St Mellons BChris Baker6South Central 3617
St Mellons BMartin Weston7South Central 3000
St Mellons BJason Jones Rogers8South Central 3101
St Mellons CJoseph Gough1South Central 7628
St Mellons CScott Finney2South Central 7123
St Mellons CPaul Smith3South Central 7314
St Mellons CLuke Mussa4South Central 7325
St Mellons CLawrence Barry5South Central 7415
St Mellons CDean Longden6South Central 7617
St Mellons CPat Barry7South Central 7202
St Mellons CHelen James8South Central 7314
St Mellons CMark Beadle9South Central 7303
St Mellons CPaul Hinchey10South Central 7000
St Mellons DNoah Jones1South Central 8527
St Mellons DHerbie Bone2South Central 8314
St Mellons DGareth Price3South Central 8426
St Mellons DLuke Eckett4South Central 8426
St Mellons DMatt Patterson5South Central 8101
St Mellons DHolly Young6South Central 8325
St Mellons DAlex Misra7South Central 8112
St Mellons DOliver Misra8South Central 8202
St Mellons DJack Patterson9South Central 8101
St Mellons DLouise O'Leary10South Central 8101
St Mellons DHarry Edwards11South Central 8000
Swansea AOliver Jones1Premier 1213
Swansea AArchie Chatwin2Premier 1213
Swansea ADaniel Anderson3Premier 1202
Swansea ASteven Colarusso4Premier 1617
Swansea ATom Rosser5Premier 1718
Swansea APhil Regan6Premier 1505
Swansea BDan Webb1Premier 2819
Swansea BLuka Middleton2Premier 29110
Swansea BLewis Clement3Premier 2101
Swansea BBen Hardwidge3Premier 2303
Swansea BCameron White4Premier 2819
Swansea BLewis Clement4Premier 2101
Swansea BBrett Maclennan5Premier 2303
Swansea BCameron White5Premier 2819
Swansea BBen Martin6Premier 2213
Swansea BBrett Maclennan6Premier 2303
Swansea BBen Hardwidge7Premier 2303
Swansea CJustin Nemeth1West Central 1819
Swansea CBen Martin2West Central 1213
Swansea CRobert Clowes2West Central 1303
Swansea CGemma Davies3West Central 1404
Swansea CHarry Farrar3West Central 1303
Swansea CGemma Davies4West Central 1404
Swansea CNigel Miller4West Central 1112
Swansea CHarry Farrar5West Central 1303
Swansea CNigel Miller5West Central 1112
Swansea CIan Howarth6West Central 1718
Swansea CHugh Griffiths6West Central 1000
Swansea CRobert Clowes7West Central 1303
Swansea CKeith Warriss7West Central 1101
Swansea CIwan Hughes8West Central 1000
Swansea CIan Howarth8West Central 1718
Swansea CKeith Warriss9West Central 1101
Swansea CIwan Hughes10West Central 1000
Swansea DRichard Hall1West Central 2527
Swansea DIan Miller2West Central 2516
Swansea DJohn Turner3West Central 2314
Swansea DJames Aggett4West Central 2213
Swansea DFreddie Goymer Brown5West Central 2112
Swansea EIan Topping1West Central 2202
Swansea EPhil Monaghan2West Central 2404
Swansea ESimon Jones3West Central 2000
Swansea EJames Bourne4West Central 2303
Swansea EEve Griffiths5West Central 2000
Swansea ETod John6West Central 2202
Swansea ENoah Allnatt7West Central 2527
Swansea EMartyn Wadling8West Central 2202
Swansea EAlex Wadling9West Central 2202
Swansea ELewis Potter10West Central 2202
Swansea EAlfie Dancer11West Central 2101
Swansea EGregory Mwanza12West Central 2101
Swansea EWendy Norris13West Central 2000
Teifi ANia Davies1Pembrokeshire 1000
Teifi ARob Monaghan2Pembrokeshire 1224
Teifi AOliver Guilford3Pembrokeshire 1224
Teifi AIssac Guilford4Pembrokeshire 1101
Teifi ATerry Jones5Pembrokeshire 1404
Teifi AGeraint Hodges6Pembrokeshire 1426
Teifi ABob Crosskey7Pembrokeshire 1224
Teifi ARobin Livermore8Pembrokeshire 1213
Teifi AAnnette Davies9Pembrokeshire 1213
The ValeAlex Powles1South Central 1516
The ValeGareth Arthur2South Central 1628
The ValeBleddyn Davies3South Central 1516
The ValeDaniel Higgs4South Central 1729
The ValeRyan Tyler5South Central 1628
The ValeRobin Shelley6South Central 1101
The ValeGemma Davies7South Central 1415
The ValeMike Workman8South Central 1000
The ValePaul Thomas9South Central 1101
Torfaen AAdam Wardell1East Central 2404
Torfaen ACurtis Chapman1East Central 2404
Torfaen AAdam Wardell2East Central 2404
Torfaen AGavin Rogers2East Central 2606
Torfaen ACurtis Chapman3East Central 2404
Torfaen AJustin Rosser4East Central 2000
Torfaen AKevin Mitchell5East Central 2303
Torfaen AKeith Tudball6East Central 2404
Torfaen AAlexander Rees7East Central 2303
Torfaen AManjula Bray8East Central 2101
Torfaen ASteven Lee Clark8East Central 2303
Torfaen ANicola Jayne Clark9East Central 2101
Torfaen ASteven Lee Clark10East Central 2303
Torfaen AManjula Bray10East Central 2101
UHW AMarco Perna1South Central 4628
UHW ARhys Jefferies2South Central 4325
UHW ASimon Bleasdale3South Central 4617
UHW ADarren Cottrell4South Central 4415
UHW AAlexei Zhurov4South Central 4527
UHW ADarren Cottrell5South Central 4415
UHW AAlexei Zhurov5South Central 4527
UHW BJonathan Brake1South Central 6415
UHW BRichard Lewis2South Central 6628
UHW BKeith Sexton3South Central 6628
UHW BTom Joslin-Tan4South Central 6022
UHW BRob Bleasdale5South Central 6404
UHW BKyle Henry6South Central 6516
UHW BHugh Bird7South Central 6628
UHW BPete Bartlett8South Central 6011
UHW BRichard Gurney9South Central 6314
UHW BMatt Bird10South Central 6202
UHW BTom Kahan11South Central 6000
Wrexham Brymbo 1Will Silvester1NE Wales 1000
Wrexham Brymbo 1Hannah Davies2NE Wales 1000
Wrexham Brymbo 1Carl Lace3NE Wales 1314
Wrexham Brymbo 1Ethan Willis4NE Wales 1101
Wrexham Brymbo 1Tom Willis5NE Wales 1303
Wrexham Brymbo 1Sonny Kaye6NE Wales 1303
Wrexham Brymbo 1Lewis Davies7NE Wales 1527
Wrexham Brymbo 1Alisdair Blundell8NE Wales 1415
Wrexham Brymbo 1Mark Davies9NE Wales 1000
Wrexham Brymbo 1Andy Morris10NE Wales 1415
Wrexham Brymbo 1Mark Willis11NE Wales 1011
Wrexham Brymbo 1Dhenes Stafford11NE Wales 1011
Wrexham Brymbo 1Tom Trueman12NE Wales 1415
Wrexham Brymbo 1Dhenes Stafford12NE Wales 1011
Wrexham Brymbo 1Tom Trueman13NE Wales 1415
Wrexham Brymbo 1Ian Wade13NE Wales 1314
Ynys Mon 1Paul Barrell1Eryri 1606
Ynys Mon 1Stephen Bird2Eryri 1606
Ynys Mon 1Connor Flinn3Eryri 1303
Ynys Mon 1Shaun Sullivan4Eryri 1606
Ynys Mon 1Josh Brownlow5Eryri 1101
Ynys Mon 2Trevor Sturrock1Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Bryan Ibbotson2Eryri 2303
Ynys Mon 2Phil Finn3Eryri 2606
Ynys Mon 2Anton Williams4Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2David Andrew Jones5Eryri 2505
Ynys Mon 2David Hunt6Eryri 2101
Ynys Mon 2Duncan Jones7Eryri 2303
Ynys Mon 2Graham Parfoot8Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Luke Murray9Eryri 2202
Ynys Mon 2Tudor Roberts10Eryri 2101
Ynys Mon 2Craig Newey11Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Lucas Jackson12Eryri 2202
Ynys Mon 2James Mann13Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Neil Wigley14Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Liam Jones15Eryri 2000
Ynys Mon 2Rhian Joy Jones16Eryri 2000
Total Players: 1281