Fixture Details 
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Division: South Central 2
Home Team: Maesteg A
Away Team: Rhiwbina D
Date:21 Mar 2023
Time:07:20 pm
Verified:22 Mar 2023 by Rebecca Baker

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
1-1Ioan Davis4-1Hassan Noor319/15 15/6 17/15 15/3
1-2Neil Hughes4-2Harri Jones316/15 15/12 15/10 15/10
1-3Lee Wakefield4-3Dean Robinson3015/10 17/15 15/6
1-4Rhys Davies4-4Paul Anthony Hounsell3015/9 15/11 15/12
2-3Rob Evans (walkover)3015/0 15/0 15/0
Marker Bonus:11

Report: Rhiwbina's no 5 did not arrive. The away team tried contacting him but were unable to get hold of him. Mikey Sarkissian was due to play number 5. So hopefully everything is ok with him.
Author: Sally Davis

Away Report
Away Report:'Following the match (the next day) Rhiwbina number 5 made contact to explain that he had a family emergency to attend to in Worcester urgently. Apologies to Measteg. '
Author:Rebecca Baker

Administrator Notes
Notes:moved form Friday 24th March to Tuesday 21st March -due to players involved in inter county matches; both teams agreed.
Rhiwbina one player short so lose 2 pts under rule 12. RtR sent to LC but request to have pts reinstated refused