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Division: South Central 3
Home Team: Cowbridge C
Away Team: Merthyr B
Date:04 May 2023
Time:07:00 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Alex Jenkins2-2Sam Hampson3115/8 15/6 10/15 15/8
3-2Dan Patterson2-3David Cope3015/7 15/2 15/9
3-3Tim Elvidge2-4Marc Lewis3015/4 15/9 15/8
3-4Ray Thomas4-1Laurence Darcy3015/13 15/11 15/14
3-5James Roberts4-2Iestyn Prince3113/15 15/8 15/10 15/9
Marker Bonus:10

Report:Match Report:

There was a carnival atmosphere in Cowbridge for the final game of the season. Merthyr were amazed that Cowbridge had actually hired a steel band to play ahead of the games but when they looked over the balcony, it was just James practicing his drop shots!

The game kicked off with the no1 strings as Alex needed to play first for medical reasons. Firstly, he was still nursing his bad back which can flare up at any time, but mainly after he loses! Secondly, he was suffering from severe end of season thirstiness and needed to get to the bar as soon as possible. He took the game 3-1 and was soon on the balcony, pint in hand.

After returning from International squash duties, Anna remembered she had a husband and 2 kids, so decided it was time to show her face in the family home and give David a well-earned break. So it was down to James to fill her shoes… Wearing women’s shoes was second nature to James and The Tin man delivered a 3-1 win over Iestyn, who hit the ball so hard, we had to check the spots were still on it for the next game.

This was the first time all season that Cowbridge had managed to play their first 5 ranked players together. Better late than never! Even Ray found time between holidays to turn up for this fixture and after some tight games, and a bit of crowd trouble, the Silver Fox used all of his experience to shut the door on poor Lawrence, winning the game 3-0.

Where to start on this one…. After confessing to his team mates that he would be missing the end of season drinks to attend a….. wait for it….. a ‘Hypno-birthing class’, Tim was under pressure to patch things up with another win. The game started with some deep breathing, some visualisation and mindfulness techniques and soon his opponent was feeling veeery sleeeepy. Eventually, Tim clicked his fingers and Marc was released from his trance but after 3 games, it was all over and Elvidge had left the building.

With the home team 4 games to the good, the match won, Merthyr already relegated, Cowbridge in mid table with no chance of going up or down, the final game was the deadest of dead rubbers with absolutely nothing on it and nothing to play for. But when Dan puts on those lucky Fila shorts something special happens. The door closed, a switch went off and the friendly northern façade was again temporarily removed to reveal a ruthlessness seldom seen. Dave rallied in the 3rd but Dan fought back, as if his life, or at least his squash levels depended on it and took the game 3 nil.

So Cowbridge C’s finish on a high with back to back 20 pointers [if you completely ignore the 18-2 loss to Old Pens] and it was fitting to end the night with some fine dining at the rugby club. It’s been a ‘pukka’ season.
Author:Dan Patterson

Away Report
Away Report: 

Administrator Notes